Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Devotional Writings from Lent '06

Dear Lord,

On this day and always, may the feelings in my heart, the thoughts in my mind, the words of my mouth, and the actions of my being not only be acceptable to you, but be guided and marked by your will, your wisdom, and your love.

With my eyes, may I see the presence of your greatness in all that I experience. May I find clarity as I walk with you, learning from the past, embracing the present, and not worrying about the future. And may I observe the wonders of your love as it permeates our lives and unites us all.

With my ears, may I hear the constant trickling of your river of life, the source of all that is good. May I listen to your voice as it speaks to me in times of sorrow, but also in times of joy. And may I hear the voices of others, and respond to their calls with compassion, mercy, and love.

In my heart, may I feel the powerful presence of your Spirit. May I be comforted by knowing that you are with me in my journey, guiding me with the light of your love; and may I find strength in the faith that your wisdom is infinitely greater than my own, but that it speaks to me through what’s written on my heart.

In my mind, may I overcome emotions of fear, anger, doubt, and regret, by knowing that you are with me in those times of struggle. May I be mindful of the many ways I experience you, oh God, and may this awareness help me to always be connected with you as I live each day to its fullest. And may I find the peace that comes from the soul’s openness to your will.

Finally, with my all of my being, may I do what is right, love selflessly and wastefully, face my fears with courage, be true to myself, and reach my greatest potential by connecting to my higher purpose through you.

Thanks be to God, on this day, and always. Amen.

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