Monday, July 23, 2007

"The world calls"--Poem from 3/05

In a train—
The rolling hills upon which I gaze
Their trees and fields and colors
Never restrained
Leaving me in a daze.

In a train,
The world calls.

In a church—
The overwhelming calm that opens my heart
Brings spiritual elevation for which I search
Yet leaves me at the start.

In a church,
The world calls.

In a museum—
The sight of life captured by the strokes of a brush
To be relived, and be questioned
Inspires and tells so much.

In a museum,
The world calls.

In a concert—
The music lifts me to higher grounds
Beauty inside me moves my soul
Life becomes sound.

In a concert,
The world calls.

In a bookstore—
The treasure of writing brought together in masses
So much insight for a curious mind to explore
My eyes need time, but it passes.

In a bookstore,
The world calls.

And in a train,
The world remains
On the outside while I’m looking in.

Questions abound
Answers seem few,
Each day my path begins anew.

When will this journey for me become,
A journey I stop learning from?

These steps I take will never stall,
For outside, and in,

The world

Still calls.

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