Wednesday, July 25, 2007

"A Prayer in Searching"

I am longing to find deep within me,
A place where my mind, and my heart are set free.

I have searched through the past, for experience is meant to teach,
I have searched in others, whom that place they have reached.

Yet with all of the soul I invest in this journey,
The roads of my future remain daunting before me.

But when my all I have spent I can fall right back down,
For God’s presence will lift me to my true solid ground.

I know not where I’m going, only he knows the way,
And I ask that he guide me, and with him let me stay.

Glad goodbyes I do bid, to my worries and fears,
For when trusting in God...

The heart sheds no tears.

written '03

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Fantastic, please write more. Thank you.